For far too long, our Congressional representatives have been unable to make progress on the most important issues of our time. Pandemic Preparedness, Healthcare, climate change, racial inequality, police reform — you name it, and I share your frustration. And it’s all because of two words: Citizens United.
Thanks to that dreadful Supreme Court case, lobbyists, special interest groups, and corporations have been flooding our elections with billions in donations, directly influencing the way our elected officials legislate. Let me be clear: that’s not the Congress I believe in, and that’s not the way I’ll do business when elected as your Congressman.
That’s why last month, my campaign sent a letter to End Citizens United (ECU), an organization dedicated to overturning the Citizens United case. I wrote to ECU not only because of my belief that everyday Americans need to take our democracy back — but also because my opponent, Anna Eshoo, has an alarming record that should concern every voter in this country.
As the top recipient of donations from the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, Rep. Eshoo went against President Obama and passed laws making it easier for Big Pharma to keep drug prices high. Her former staffers are lobbyists and Vice Presidents for major pharmaceutical companies. And when pressed by reporters, her response?
“I’m not out to punish” them. Try telling that to the 37 million American adults who can’t afford their prescriptions.
It all comes down to this: Should the Chairwoman of the House Health Subcommittee aka Rep. Anna Eshoo — a position that wields exceptional power in shaping healthcare legislation for every American in this country — really be the #1 recipient of Big Pharma and healthcare money in the House? That’s a blatant conflict of interest, and not how our democracy should operate.
It’s time to stop making excuses. From day one, I’ve said what every elected leader in America needs to say: no corporate PAC money, no special interests, no lobbyists. Because our democracy is best when it’s responsive to YOU, the American people.
Read my full letter to ECU here.
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Always grateful,
Rishi Kumar