America’s defense spending is greater than the next 10 countries combined. We should cut our bloated defense budget, not increase. The new wars are going to be an economic warfare, biowarfare, bioterrorism. America needs to be prepared! Our defense strategy has to evolve, focused upon protecting America and not upon regime change wars. We need to actively pull back from bases all over the world, develop a pandemic preparedness plan and be ready for the economic warfare of the future; protect ourselves from bioterrorism and biowarfare.
Here is Rishi's stand on the Russian-Ukraine situation.
Rep. Anna Eshoo has supported the following U.S wars.
$6.3Trillion have gone towards war since 2000. These dollars would be better spent at home and to prioritize the needs of our country. Our failed foreign policy must end and we must get our brothers and sisters out of harm’s way by withdrawing America from ongoing conflicts.
Uptick in Military: Rep. Anna Eshoo voted YES for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020. Spend: President Trump has deployed 15,000 U.S Troops into the Middle East over the last 8 month. Congress just approved a $738 billion military budget, a $22 billion increase over last year. That is a whopping $130 billion increase in the last 3 years. Is this spending justified? Yes, Rep. Anna Eshoo supported this budget increase. Did you know 40 House Democrats voted NO?
Not All Democrats are the same. As your congressman...
There is no victory in endless war and I will do my utmost.